MZBC Missions
Whether we’re in the community, somewhere in the US, or around the world, Scripture explicitly calls us to make disciples. Mount Zion is committed to providing opportunities for service in the name of Jesus Christ.

Local Missions – Mount Zion partners with a number of local ministries through giving and serving. This includes pregnancy resource centers, local schools, and food banks.
Domestic Missions – We regularly take trips around the country to serve with established ministries to share the Gospel. Beautiful Feet in Fort Worth, Texas and We Will Go in Jackson, Mississippi are just two organizations we have partnered with.
International Missions – Mount Zion supports a number of missionaries financially, but we also have sent teams of volunteers to places like The Bahamas and the Dominican Republic. We are also a dedicated supported of Operation Christmas Child and Samaritan’s Purse. Check our events page for details.
WMU – Our WMU at Mount Zion is dedicated to sharing the message of Christ locally, as well as on the State, National, and International Levels. We share devotionals, listen to guest speakers, and work on projects, all while enjoying great food and Christian fellowship. We meet monthly on every fourth Tuesday night at 6:30pm. Our projects have included: providing for families at Christmas, visit nursing homes or the homebound, providing Bibles for men and women in prison, Teacher Appreciation Baskets, and sending cards to our military members. Our mission is to inform and inspire the Christian woman to influence her world for Christ.