Adult Ministries
Growth & Service
Through our adult ministries, we want to move from consumers to contributors. We grow together in our relationship with God and serve the church as teachers, deacons, cooks, musicians, greeters, ushers, and givers – all for the glory of God!
Young Women’s Bible Study – Once a month, our young women meet together to grow in fellowship with one another and dig deeper into the story of The Gospel. We are currently studying “Well-Watered Woman” by Gretchen Saffles.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast – Each Tuesday morning at 6:30am, our men meet together in the youth kitchen to fellowship and pray together.
Find where you fit and plug in to our ministries!
Sunday School – Each Sunday at 9:00am, we meet in Sunday School classes around the church to dive into the Word of God and help each other apply it to our lives. Our teachers are committed to preparing well and leading discussions that encourage and uplift.
Sunday Evening Bible Study – On Sunday evenings at 5:00pm, adults meet together to study various topics throughout the year. Our most recent study was “Rediscover Church” and was led by Brother Ty Danielson.
Mount Zion Midweek – If you need some encouragement to finish the week, we meet in the sanctuary at 6:30pm for a time of worship and prayer. Prior to our mid-week service, we have fellowship supper in the Fellowship Hall from 5:15pm-6:15pm.
WMU – Our WMU at Mt. Zion is dedicated to sharing the message of Christ locally, as well as on the State, National, and International Levels. We share devotionals, listen to guest speakers, and work on projects, all while enjoying great food and Christian fellowship. We meet every fourth Tuesday night at 6:30pm. Our projects have included providing for families at Christmas, visiting nursing homes or the homebound, providing Bibles for men and women in prison, Teacher Appreciation Baskets, and sending cards to our military members. Our last project was to provide 3 water wells for about 5,000 families in the Philippines. Our mission is to inform and inspire the Christian Woman to influence her world for Christ.