Evangelism Training

Beginning January 8th, 2023, Brother Ty Danielson will be conducting a 6 week study on Evangelism Training. This class will be located in the Fellowship Hall and will start each Sunday evening at 5:00pm.

Community Lunch

In an effort to launch the opening of our new MZBC Food Pantry, we will be hosting a FREE sack lunch for our local New Hope community. We welcome all families to come and grab a sack lunch and learn more about our new food pantry.


We will be having a church-wide fellowship lunch following our Sunday morning service on February 12th. Bring soup, sandwiches, bread, dessert, etc.

MAN UP – Men’s Conference

We would like to invite men of all ages to join us for a weekend of great speakers, food, and fellowship.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

We would like to invite the entire New Hope community to join us for a fun morning of hunting hundreds of eggs, jumpers, and games.

Pinewood Derby

MZBC 1791 Lake Lowndes Road, Columbus, MS, United States

Join us for our Annual Pinewood Derby on April 23rd following the Worship Service in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be provided.