We will be having a church-wide fellowship lunch following our Sunday morning service on February 12th. Bring soup, sandwiches, bread, dessert, etc.

MAN UP – Men’s Conference

We would like to invite men of all ages to join us for a weekend of great speakers, food, and fellowship.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

We would like to invite the entire New Hope community to join us for a fun morning of hunting hundreds of eggs, jumpers, and games.

Pinewood Derby

MZBC 1791 Lake Lowndes Road, Columbus, MS, United States

Join us for our Annual Pinewood Derby on April 23rd following the Worship Service in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be provided.

Vacation Bible School

Classes for ages birth through 4 years old are only open to regular Mt. Zion attenders and/or family members of those volunteering to work Vacation Bible School. Ages 5 years through 5th grade are open to the public. Please use the QR Code to register.

Youth Fuge Camp

We would love to invite any youth to attend Fuge camp with us this year. Contact Josh for more information!

Super Summer

If you are a youth who is interested in attending Super Summer, contact Josh.

Kids Summer Camp

We are excited to be returning to Lake Forest Ranch this summer. We would like to encourage any child who has completed 1st through 5th grade to join us. This week is always filled with fun activities, new friends, tons or laughs, and, most importantly, getting to know more about Jesus and the saving grace […]